Conversation Piece | Part 1 ? Eddie Peake, Su-Mei Tse, Tobias Kaspar

[nemus_slider id=”43348″] Continuano le brevi interviste che ATPdiary dedicata alla mostra Conversation Piece | Part 1 – a cura di Marcello Smarrelli, ospitata alla Fondazione Memmo – Arte Contemporanea (Roma) fino al 4 giugno -, il primo progetto espositivo di quella che sarà una serie di mostre dedicate agli artisti italiani e stranieri che hanno deciso […]

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Continuano le brevi interviste che ATPdiary dedicata alla mostra Conversation Piece | Part 1 – a cura di Marcello Smarrelli, ospitata alla Fondazione Memmo – Arte Contemporanea (Roma) fino al 4 giugno -, il primo progetto espositivo di quella che sarà una serie di mostre dedicate agli artisti italiani e stranieri che hanno deciso di svolgere una residenza a Roma. Per questo primo appuntamento gli artisti invitati sono: Francesca Grilli, Josephine Halvorson, Rowena Harris, Isabell Heimerdinger, Thomas Hutton, Corin Hewitt, Tobias Kaspar, Jonathan Monk, Anna-Bella Papp, Eddie Peake, Calixto Ramírez, Su-Mei Tse.

ATPdiary ha posto agli artisti una serie di domande in merito alla loro esperienza romana, cosa li ha affascinati e una domanda in merito all’opera che espongono in mostra.

Per questo terzo appuntamento, le brevi interviste di   Eddie Peake, Su-Mei e Tobias Kaspar.

Conversation Piece | Part 1 ? Francesca Grilli, Jonathan Monk e Rowena Harris

Conversation Piece | Part 1 ? Josephine Halvorson | Corin Hewitt | Isabell Heimerdinger

? Conversation Piece | Part 1 ? Anna-Bella Papp | Calixto Ramirez

Eddie Peake

ATP: What are your first impressions you had about Rome?

Eddie Peake: The first time I came to Rome was in 2001, and I don’t remember what my first impression was but it must have been positive because it was the start of a love affair that continues to this day.

ATP:  Regarding your stay in Rome: is there any artwork, place or artist that influenced you in some ways?

EP: I find the very slow pace of Rome to be a sort of enforced inspiration that I appreciate after the fact, not necessarily during. Other than that, there are a number of artists I love, who, although they may have international statures, I learned about specifically because of spending time in Rome, such as Michelangelo Pistoletto, Luigi Ontani and Gino Marotta, to name a few.

ATP: Which artwork will you show in “Conversation Piece | Part 1”? Why did you choose it?

EP: I am showing an installation that includes six separate artworks made in a variety of media, one of which,  ‘Haunt’, frames all the others, along with the audience. It is a large structure: a set of walls that is both an image and object which tells and frames a narrative, bookended by two lovers eternally in pursuit of one another’s kiss.

Eddie Peake,   Haunt,   2014. Courtesy: Galleria Lorcan O’Neill and Fondazione Memmo Arte Contemporanea
Eddie Peake, Haunt, 2014. Courtesy: Galleria Lorcan O’Neill and Fondazione Memmo Arte Contemporanea


ATP:  What are your first impressions you had about Rome?

Sue-Mei: Knowing Italy quiet well, I was of course very excited to come to Rome for one year and work with Roman inspirations. The beginnings were not so easy, feeling overwhelmed by history, beauty and frozen time. But this weight became the main preoccupation to circumvent and to play with in my current exploration.

ATP: Regarding your stay in Rome: is there any artwork, place or artist that influenced you in some ways?

I was very impressed by my visits to Villa Adriana in Tivoli and especially to the Caracci Gallery at the Palazzo Farnese which is currently under restoration works. It was a great privilege to visit the site, to climb up the scaffold and see the frescoes so close. It was interesting to see the difference between the existing and the newly restored paintings, to observe the precious and meticulous work by the restorers, but above all to know how the details of the artwork which are not perceptible from the distance, exist solely for themselves…

ATP: Which artwork will you show in “Conversation Piece | Part 1”? Why did you choose it?

The exhibition will present a neon installation Dong Xi Nan Bei (E, W, S, N) which marks the four directions of a compass. I was interested in the difference how Chinese (and Eastern people in general) perceive directions opposed the Western way, with East coming first. The piece was chosen in relation to the architecture of the space but and with regard to the common situation of the participating artists, coming from abroad, being here in Rome for a certain period with our viewpoint linked to our culture and sensibility.

Su-Mei Tse,   Dong Xi Nan Bei (E,   W,   S,   N),   2006. Neon installation,   4 elements. Courtesy the artist and Fondazione Memmo Arte Contemporanea,   Roma
Su-Mei Tse, Dong Xi Nan Bei (E, W, S, N), 2006. Neon installation, 4 elements. Courtesy the artist and Fondazione Memmo Arte Contemporanea, Roma

Tobias Kaspar

ATP: What are your first impressions you had about Rome?

Tobia Kaspar: Airport / Taxi / Driver / Train / Station / Ruins / Modernism / more ruins / Ruins / more ruins / Dance of the death for the sake of dancing / The first city I’m experiencing to be destroyed by tourism. / I love spring and fall but enjoy the piece of the city in winter. Summer escape and other issues.

ATP: Regarding your stay in Rome: is there any artwork, place or artist that influenced you in some ways?

TK: I love fountains. I think of histoire d’eau. The entire city. It’s good. Detached.

ATP:  Which artwork will you show in “Conversation Piece | Part 1”? Why did you choose it?

A series of photographs titled THE BLING RING after the based on a true story film by Sofia Coppola. It’s a contemporary continuation of the issues addressed in Visconti’s Conversation Piece. Just the perfect fit, actually chosen by the curator. The series is accompoanied by a cafe-table-book.

Tobias Kaspar,   TBR (fig. 13) On the set of The Bling Ring,   Silver gelatine hand print,   silkscreen on matt,   frame,   2013 / 2015. Edition of 3 + 2AP. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Peter Kilchmann,   Zürich and Fondazione Memmo Arte Contemporanea,   Roma
Tobias Kaspar, TBR (fig. 13) On the set of The Bling Ring, Silver gelatine hand print, silkscreen on matt, frame, 2013 / 2015. Edition of 3 + 2AP. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zürich and Fondazione Memmo Arte Contemporanea, Roma