THE BEST 2016 | Marianna Vecellio

Francis Picabia Kunsthaus, Zurich “Our heads are round so our thoughts can change direction” Francis Picabia has remained a passionately discussed personality among the great artists of the twentieth century. Throughout his life, he rejected normative criteria distinguishing between high art and kitsch or conservatism and radicalism. Self-critically and sometimes with mordant humour, he questioned […]

Francis Picabia,   Volucelle (II),   1923 Enamel paint on canvas,   198.8 × 250.2 cm Private collection
Francis Picabia, Volucelle (II), 1923 Enamel paint on canvas, 198.8 × 250.2 cm Private collection

Francis Picabia
Kunsthaus, Zurich

“Our heads are round so our thoughts can change direction”

Francis Picabia has remained a passionately discussed personality among the great artists of the twentieth century. Throughout his life, he rejected normative criteria distinguishing between high art and kitsch or conservatism and radicalism. Self-critically and sometimes with mordant humour, he questioned the principle of modernism as a fundamentally progressive line of development. From his first Impressionist paintings to his adoption of such different models as technical diagrams, citations from demanding literary works and equally undemanding erotic magazines, Picabia was one of the precursors of parody and appropriation in art. His practice emphasizes the attitude that reproduction, replica, and quotation may be regarded as creative strategies in their own right.

Francis Picabia Salome?,   1930 Oil on canvas,   195 × 130 cm Collection Broere Charitable Foundation
Francis Picabia Salome?, 1930 Oil on canvas, 195 × 130 cm Collection Broere Charitable Foundation

Philippe Parreno, Hypothesis
A cura di Andrea Lissoni
Hangar bicocca, Milano

Philippe Parreno è uno degli artisti francesi più rilevanti degli ultimi venti anni a livello internazionale. Il lavoro dell’artista si sviluppa attraverso l’impiego di un’ampia varietà di media tra cui film, video, musica, scrittura e disegno. Parreno adotta linguaggi e codici provenienti da media come la radio, la televisione, il cinema e, più recentemente, l’informatica per esplorare i confini della realtà e della sua rappresentazione. Nell’ambito del suo percorso artistico, Parreno ha messo in discussione il concetto di autorialità collaborando con alcuni fra i più influenti artisti, architetti e musicisti degli ultimi due decenni.
“Hypothesis” è la prima mostra antologica in Italia ed è concepita come uno spazio in cui una serie di eventi si svolgono in successione tra loro, come se fossero organizzati seguendo una coreografia. La mostra presenta alcune delle maggiori opere dell’artista insieme a lavori più recenti, caratterizzati dal suono e dalla luce, tra cui le iconiche Marquees, realizzate tra il 2006 e il 2015.
I suoni delle Marquees e dei due pianoforti presenti nello spazio espositivo seguono diverse composizioni musicali realizzate da Agoria, Thomas Bartlett, Nicolas Becker, Ranjana Leyendecker, Robert AA Lowe e Mirwais.

Philippe Parreno “Hypothesis”,   installation view at HangarBicocca,   Milan Courtesy of the Artist; Pilar Corrias Gallery; Gladstone Gallery; Esther Schipper; Fondazione HangarBicocca,   Milan Photo: ©Andrea Rossetti
Philippe Parreno “Hypothesis”, installation view at HangarBicocca, Milan Courtesy of the Artist; Pilar Corrias Gallery; Gladstone Gallery; Esther Schipper; Fondazione HangarBicocca, Milan Photo: ©Andrea Rossetti
Philippe Parreno “Hypothesis”,   installation view at HangarBicocca,   Milan Courtesy of the Artist; Pilar Corrias Gallery; Gladstone Gallery; Esther Schipper; Fondazione HangarBicocca,   Milan Photo: ©Andrea Rossetti
Philippe Parreno “Hypothesis”, installation view at HangarBicocca, Milan Courtesy of the Artist; Pilar Corrias Gallery; Gladstone Gallery; Esther Schipper; Fondazione HangarBicocca, Milan Photo: ©Andrea Rossetti
Philippe Parreno “Hypothesis”,   installation view at HangarBicocca,   Milan Courtesy of the Artist; Pilar Corrias Gallery; Gladstone Gallery; Esther Schipper; Fondazione HangarBicocca,   Milan Photo: ©Andrea Rossetti
Philippe Parreno “Hypothesis”, installation view at HangarBicocca, Milan Courtesy of the Artist; Pilar Corrias Gallery; Gladstone Gallery; Esther Schipper; Fondazione HangarBicocca, Milan Photo: ©Andrea Rossetti