Kai Althoff: and then leave me to the common swifts
(und dann überlasst mich den Mauerseglern)
Through January 22, 2017
MOMA, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
“Within an environment envisioned by the artist upon seeing the gallery allotted to him, he arranges work stemming from his early youth to the very present, in a manner of a child being handed toys, new and old: some are cherished and idolized, some are semi-precious in rank, some are abandoned and neglected in slumber of increasing hate generating towards them. Some are loved to the utmost, so much he’d want to hold onto them until the very last moment before death, and beyond.
“The work being treated as such will be comprised of fragments of former larger scale environments, drawings, paintings, objects found and fabricated. In ‘and then leave me to the common swifts’, nothing is an attempt of recreating the original composition of when these works were displayed each for its first time. Instead the artist gives in to whatever his innate forces originating in his emotions command him to do upon the encounter with this work, his very own, for the most part. The result is further also constrained by time or its lack, and the pressure created by complex sociological processes, which sometimes leads the artist to surrender to a fatalism otherwise strongly fought.”

L’image vole?e, una mostra collettiva curata dall’artista Thomas Demand. Ospitata in un ambiente allestitivo progettato dallo scultore Manfred Pernice, la mostra occupa i due livelli della galleria Nord e il Cinema della sede di Milano.
“L’image vole?e” include piu? di 90 lavori realizzati da oltre 60 artisti dal 1820 a oggi. L’intento di Thomas Demand e? di indagare attraverso la mostra le modalita? con cui tutti noi ci richiamiamo a modelli preesistenti e come gli artisti hanno sempre fatto riferimento a un’iconografia precedente per realizzare le proprie opere. Esplorando i limiti tra originalita?, invenzioni concettuali e diffusione di copie, “L’image vole?e” si concentra sul furto, la nozione di autore, l’appropriazione e il potenziale creativo di queste ricerche.