Untitled (Joe) Robert Longo, from the Men in the City, series 1981. Tate
Presented by Janet Wolfson de Botton 1996
Grace Jones in a maternity dress designed by Jean-Paul Goude and Antonio Lopez, 1979
© Jean-Paul Goude
Hans Hollein, fac?ade from Strada Novissima, The Presence of the Past, 1980
Biennale of Architecture, Venice
i-D, no 28. The Art Issue, August 1985. Styled by William Faulkner, design by Terry Jones
Photograph by Nick Knight, featuring Lizzy Tear
Martine Bedin (for Memphis) Super lamp prototype 1981
Painted metal with lighting components
Chiara Rusconi / A Palazzo, Brescia
POSTMODERNISM, Style and Subversion
24.09.11 – 15.01.2012
Victoria and Albert Museum , Londra