Non so se hanno un ‘funzione’ simbolica particolare. Un limone, un cocomero, dei molluschi… CRIPTA747 – che entro 15 giorni deve racimolare la bella cifra di 15.000 euro, altrimenti sfratto – ha lanciato T.A.X.I , una piattaforma che coinvolge gli spazi no-profit del progetto LIDO , a cura di Sarah Casulich Canarutto e Francesca Bertolotti. LIDO il coinvolge 5 spazi indipendenti: 98weeks (Beirut), Auto Italia South East (Londra), Irmavep Club (Parigi), Public Fiction (Los Angeles) e SOMA (Città del Messico).
Vi invito, dunque, a visitare (con mano fermissima… e capirete perchè…) la nuova piattaforma.
Nel progetto sono coinvolti anche: Simone Bertuzzi, Francesca Boenzi, Michele D’Aurizio, Gianluigi Ricuperati, Caterina Riva, Guido Santandrea e Marianna Vecellio.
TUTTI INVITATI AL BRUCH di domenica 11 novembre 2012
T-A-X-I is a web platform devoted to research and exchange among curators, artists and institutions.
The idea is to create a curatorial board with different professional experiences and yet a specific knowledge of the italian context. We are starting with a selection of seven curators – regularly renewed.
This is the way it works: each invited curator writes a text around and about projects by Italian artists – considering the artworks and not the artists, and focusing on the curatorial contribution itself in order to activate a kind of an abstract dialogue. Each entry may work as a viable project or a publishable essay and it may connect Italian curators and artists with international organizations and collectives seeking to know more about the Italian attitude(s). The work of each curator lives in an autonomous space and returns to T-A-X-I as a choral and multidisciplinary depiction of the Italian cultural context.
The independent institutions involved are the first partners of the project, interacting with T-A-X-I as a tool for potential collaborations during the season 2013-2014.
T-A-X-I is a project curated by Elisa Troiano, Renato Leotta and Alex Tripodi, in collaboration with the 2012 edition of Artissima LIDO.