© Sung Hwan Kim Photocredit: Tate Photography
- Suzanne Lacy, The Crystal Quilt, 1987 – © Work by Suzanne Lacy, with collaboration from Phyllis Jane Rose, Miriam Schapiro, Susan Stone, Nancy Dennis, and Sage Cowles. Minneapolis, Minnesota

La Tate Modern apre al pubblico i suoi nuovi spazi sotterranei per ospitare ‘ The Tanks: Art in Action’: festival della durata di quindici settimane dedicato ad arte live, performance, video e installazioni.
E’ iniziato il 18 luglio e continuerà fino al 28 ottobre 2012. Se sei a Londra…
Tate Modern opens to the public its new underground spaces to host ‘The Tanks: Art in Action’, a festival that lasts fifteen weeks and it is dedicated to live art, performances, videos and installations.
It was inaugurated on 18th July and will go on until 28th October 2012. If you’re in London …