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THE BEST 2016 | Francesco Garutti

Peter Wächtler,  Far Out Chisenhale, London 16 September – 11 December 2016 Chisenhale Gallery presents the first solo exhibition in

THE BEST 2016 | Eva Fabbris

Bruce Conner | It’s All True Until January 22, 2017 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Realist. Surrealist. Hippie. Punk. Bruce Conner

THE BEST 2016 | Rossella Moratto

L’Inarchiviabile/ The Unarchivable,  Italia anni ‘70 FM Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea, Milano La mostra Non-Aligned Modernity – a cura di Marco

THE BEST 2016 | Ilaria Gianni

L’Image Volée Curated by Thomas Demand Fondazione Prada, Milan 18 Mar – 21 Aug 2016  “L’image volée” (The stolen image) is

THE BEST 2016 | Marianna Vecellio

Francis Picabia Kunsthaus, Zurich “Our heads are round so our thoughts can change direction” Francis Picabia has remained a passionately