Francesco Vezzoli, Tino Sehgal, Saâdane Afif, Laura Lima, Doug Aitken sono alcuni dei protagonisti che parteciperanno alla prima Nuite Blanche di Monaco, un evento, organizzato dal Principato di Monaco con l’appoggio del Consiglio Nazionale, tutto dedicato all’arte contemporanea, che si svolgerà nella notte tra il 29 e il 30 aprile.
Il percorso in cui i diversi progetti andranno ad inserirsi è stato pensato da Jörg Heiser, critico d’arte e coeditore di Frieze. Come titolo per la manifestazione è stato scelto The pleasure of finding things out (Il piacere della scoperta), frase del Premio Nobel per la fisica Richard Feynman, con cui indicava l’apprezzamento della bellezza delle strutture, dei processi e delle idee insito in ogni forma d’arte e di studio. Grazie alla collaborazione di Cristina Ricupero (Parigi) e Leonardo Bigazzi (Firenze) si creerà un evento che voglia irradiarsi nelle strade, sull’acqua, sul palcoscenico, nell’aria (si utilizzeranno aerei). Non si tratterà dunque di una “fiera multispettacolo”, ma di una serie di eventi ben disposti ed organizzato, differente, quindi, dalle notti bianche già esistenti a Parigi e Toronto.
Tutte le presentazioni artistiche saranno gratuite e accessibili a tutti.
Per ulteriori informazioni: www.nuitblanche.mc

On April 29, 2016, Monaco pulls a Nuit Blanche. An original and ambitious artistic journey created by Jo?rg Heiser, well-known art critic and co-publisher of the magazine Frieze. A stroll full of surprises and unique aesthetic experiences, produced by a select group of internationally-renowned artists. The street, the stage, the sea and the sky, all of Monaco’s dimensions come to life through an offering of works involving planes, boats, horses, orchestral music, not as a series of attractions but rather, as in Jo?rg Heiser’s own words, as choreographed events.
An ambitious program presented in synergy with the Monegasque Cultural institutions, including Saa?dane Afif (France, winner of the Prince Pierre Foundation Award in 2006), Doug Aitken (United States), Shana Moulton (United States), Daniel Steegman Mangrane? (Spain), Henrik Ha?kansson (Denmark), Chassol (France) and Gabriel Lester (Netherlands).
Friday, April 29, 2016, beginning at 6 p.m. Free admission, no reservation. Information: www.nuitblanche.mc

The First Monaco Nuit Blanche: The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
The First Monaco Nuit Blanche will take place on the night of 29th April 2016, with some projects heralding the events in the preceding days, and some events reaching into the following day. It is a public project under the supervision of the Principality’s Department of Cultural Affairs.
Contemporary art, performance, film, music, and dance, conceived by more than 20 internationally reputed artists, will take over Monaco, from the beaches to the harbor, celebrating the possibilities of imagination and surprise.
The Nobel-Prize laureate and world famous physicist Richard Feynman coined the phrase ‘the pleasure of finding things out’ to describe the curiosity that drives scientists, as well as artists. He also described this curiosity as going beyond the mere appreciation of the beautiful form, towards the appreciation of the beauty of structures, processes, and ideas themselves.
Curated by Jo?rg Heiser (Berlin) together with Cristina Ricupero (Paris) and Leonardo Bigazzi (Florence), the first Monaco Nuit Blanche is an ambitious attempt to bring this spirit literally to the street, the stage, the water, the sky, creating a string of manifestations involving airplanes, boats, horses, music (including members of Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra), but most essentially: great artistic ideas stimulating unique aesthetic experiences. As such, though called like eponymous events in major metropolises like Paris or Toronto, the character of Monaco’s Nuit Blanche is one not of a multi-spectacle fairground, but of a choreography of occurrences. That said, the artistic presentations are pronouncedly accessible to the general public, at no entrance charge. They are conceived and realized by internationally renowned artists including Saa?dane Afif (F, awarded the Fondation Prince Pierre Prize in 2006), Doug Aitken (US), Laura Lima (Brazil) or Tino Sehgal (UK/D), as well as internationally shown artists Yannick Cosso, Binelde Hyrcan and Fanny Lavergne who are alumni of Pavillon Bosio, Monaco’s artschool.
The aim of this first Monaco Nuit Blanche is to celebrate, and create a sense for, that which goes beyond the preconceived notion of what can or can’t be done in a place like Monaco, with its long cultural history leading back to the days of Ballets Russes, Jean Genet or Eileen Gray, as well as its current state as a unique center of the Co?te d’Azur.