English text below
Nctm Studio Legale ha avvitato un progetto rivolto all’arte contemporanea dal titolo nctm e l’arte, che propone per la settima volta una borsa di studio rivolta ad artisti visivi italiani, chiamata Artists-in-residence. L’obiettivo e? quello di aiutare gli artisti ad aderire a programmi internazionali di residenza qualificati e riconosciuti , in cui avere la possibilita? d’inserirsi nel mondo del contemporaneo extra-italiano. La borsa di studio viene data a uno o piu? artisti per edizione qualora siano gia? stati selezionati per far parte di residenze a livello internazionale ed abbiano gia? fissato periodo e modalita? della stessa. “L’assegnatario o gli assegnatari saranno scelti secondo criteri di serieta? in base al profilo artistico, alla chiarezza e rilevanza dei progetti, alle opportunita? formative offerte dalla residenza invitante e alla qualita? del progetto eventualmente proposto” (da comunicato stampa).
La scadenza di questa sessione del bando e? stata fissata per il 30 giugno 2016, mentre l’esito verra? comunicato entro il 17 luglio 2016.
La valutazione dei curricula e del materiale inviato sara? condotta da una commissione composta dalla responsabile del progetto nctm e l’arte Gabi Scardi, dai membri del Comitato Arte di Nctm Studio Legale Associato e dall’artista Martina Angelotti. Il valore della borsa di studio, invece, e? variabile a seconda della residenza, del progetto presentato, andando, dunque, ad essere valutata volta per volta, portando ad una copertura parziale o totale delle spese richieste dal progetto estero. Alla fine del periodo di studio e ricerca gli artisti selezionati dovranno presentare un dossier descrivente le attivita? svolte e i progetti realizzati.
La domanda di borsa di studio dovra? essere inviata in formato digitale all’indirizzo artistsinresidence@arte.nctm.it, compresso e corredata di:
- descrizione del programma all’estero a cui si intende partecipare;
- documentazione da cui risulti l’accettazione da parte della residenza invitante;
- indicazione del periodo di residenza;
- ammontare del budget dei costi totali, con eventuale sottolineatura delle voci per le quali si richiede la borsa di studio;
- curriculum artistico;
- portfolio esaustivo;
- copia di un documento di identita? in corso di validita?;
- liberatoria per la privacy.

nctm e l’arte: Artists-in-residence
VII edition
Artists-in-residence scholarship
nctm e l’arte is a project dedicated to contemporary art, launched by Nctm Studio Legale. nctm e l’arte promotes a scholarship scheme, every six months, dedicated to the sponsorship of Italian artists’ mobility, nctm e l’arte: Artists-in-residence, which provides a grant intended to foster access to international artists-in-residence programs.
nctm e l’arte: Artists-in-residence is meant to promote the education of artists residing in Italy giving them the opportunity to experience innovative situations, acquire new skills and develop new capabilities, taking advantage of the possibilities of integration in the world of international contemporary art.
specific requirements for participation
The scholarship is open to visual artists residing in Italy, who intend to take part, for training purposes, in an internationally acknowledged selected ‘in residence’ program, based outside Italy. The scholarship is awarded every edition to one or more artists, who apply for it after having been admitted to international ‘in residence’ programs. The scholarship recipient or recipients will be selected according to reliability criteria based on artistic profile, clarity and significance of the projects, training opportunities offered by the host institution and quality of the project proposed, if any.
closing date
The deadline for scholarship applications for this VI session is fixed on June 30th, 2016. The outcome of the evaluation will be communicated by July 17th, 2016.
Eligibility criteria and application procedure
Interested artists are asked to apply for nctm e l’arte: Artists-in-residence only after having been invited to take part in an ‘in residence’ program and after having fixed the residency period.
Applications for the scholarship must be delivered in a compressed digital format and provided with:
• description of the abroad program the applicant wishes to join;
• documentation proving the acceptance by the host institution;
• indication of the residency period;
• amount of the budget of total costs, possibly highlighting the items for which the scholarship is being sought;
• artistic curriculum;
• exhaustive portfolio;
• copy of a valid identity document;
• privacy disclaimer.
Application form and documentation material are to be sent by e-mail to the address: artistsinresidence@arte.nctm.it
Any further additional documentation of the artistic activity (videos, catalogues, other) may be transmitted by registered letter with return receipt or delivered by hand in paper format or CD/DVD to the address: NCTM Studio Legale – via Agnello, 12 – 20121 Milan for the attention of Veronica Tamborini.
The additional documentation must be provided by and no later than the closing date of the call.
The applicant shall give notice of the transmission of any additional material by e-mail to the address indicated above.
After the evaluation of curricula and of provided material by the awarding committee, eligible applicants may be offered an interview.
evaluation criteria
The curricula and provided material will be evaluated by a Committee composed of the Manager of nctm e l’arte project, Gabi Scardi, the members of the Art Committee of Nctm Studio Legale, an artist who has been awarded the scholarship in a previous edition and the curator Martina Angelotti.
award of the scholarship
The scholarships amount in the aggregate to Euro 10, 000 (ten thousand) a year, to be divided in several awards that will be assigned on a discretionary basis by the committee in the times and ways provided in the call, according to procedures to be defined from time to time. Award procedures may as well be amended in relation to the terms of the relevant residencies. The requested amount may be awarded in full or in part.
At the end of the period recipients of scholarship shall have to submit a brief dossier concerning the period of residence and the activities carried out.
Scholarship payment may be suspended for serious and justified reasons.
For further information please contact:
nctm e l’arte
Gabi Scardi
curator gabi.scardi@arte.nctm.it artistsinresidence@arte.nctm.it
Veronica Tamborini coordination veronica.tamborini@nctm.it