English version below
Conto alla rovescia per GRANPALAZZO: la mostra-evento del 30-31 maggio che presenta 18 artisti – sostenuti da 18 gallerie – e un ricco programma di eventi speciali e performance. Come cornice gli spazi del cinquecentesco Palazzo Rospigliosi, a Zagarolo. Come ci ha raccontato il team a capo della manifestazione ? – Paola Capata, Delfo Durante, Ilaria Gianni e Federica Schiavo – “Prima di tutto abbiamo pensato a GRANPALAZZO come un momento di dialogo, intimo, rilassato e concentrato privo dello stress che contraddistingue la maggior parte degli eventi d’arte. Come ha suggerito uno dei nostri invitati, GRANPALAZZO è un vero e proprio momento di “retreatment” in cui dialogheranno arte contemporanea, storia italiana, eccellenze eno-gastronomiche del territorio laziale”.
Per questo appuntamento editoriale, ATPdiary vi presenta brevemente le performance che si alterneranno nei due giorni della manifestazione.
Il programma di performance conta alcuni degli artisti in mostra: tra questi, Wilfredo Prieto con? “The Battle of the Shadows”, una lettura lirica dell’azione che vede protagonisti due pugili in combattimento, visibili allo spettatore attraverso le loro ombre deformate. Per la performance presentata in occasione di GRANPALAZZO, Riccardo Baruzzi continua la sua indagine sonora sulla struttura fisica del giradischi. Avvalendosi di due Stazioni Rotative (giradischi senza braccio di lettura) appositamente costruite e prive di amplificazione, l’artista traccia un’azione percussiva che utilizza gesti circolari come struttura ritmica di base. L’azione genera una composizione incentrata sulle poliritmie, ovvero sulle combinazioni tra le diverse velocità di esecuzione, le differenti qualità materiali degli oggetti e i diversi rapporti che esistono tra strumento e ritmo. Hugo Canolias con “Jeffrey goes to Dundee” riflette sul doppio e sulle moltitudine dell’Io, mettendo in scena un monologo tra il profetico e il poetico, la magia e la critica. Tomaso De Luca sviluppa “Declaration of Independence from the Tyranny of Consciousness”, una sfilata di grandi figure dipinte che connetterà la sede di GRANPALAZZO con il Farmers Market di Zagarolo. La performance consiste è una camminata per il breve percorso che divide Palazzo Rospigliosi dal Farmer’s Market, dove cinque grandi sculture bidimensionali e mobili, accompagnano la lenta marcia. Dioniso, in testa, seguito da Nerone, L’esercito di statue rotte, Un ubriaco e Il cane per ogni gamba di sedia, sono i personaggi che l’artista ha liberamente tratto dal monologo di Heiner Müller Paesaggio con Argonauti, riadattato e in parte riscritto per questa performance. Il testo sembra essere una celebrazione della fine dell’umanità, un bizzarro e crudele elogio funebre dell’Io, a cui i personaggi partecipano silenziosi.
Programma della manifestazione
SABATO 30 maggio 2015
10:00 apertura GRANPALAZZO
12:00 performance di Riccardo Baruzzi 13:00 brunch a Palazzo Rospigliosi
15:30 performance di Hugo Canoilas
17:00 performance di Wilfredo Prieto
19:00 performance di Riccardo Baruzzi
20:00 chiusura GRANPALAZZO
DOMENICA 31 maggio 2015
10:00 apertura GRANPALAZZO
11:00 performance di Tomaso De Luca@Farmer Market di Zagarolo.
Progetto speciale realizzato con il supporto di OnFair. 19:00 chiusura GRANPALAZZO
Le gallerie coinvolte: Zero…, Milan, Workplace, Gateshead/London, P420, Bologna, BolteLang, Switzerland, The Goma, Madrid, Collicaligreggi, Catania, SpazioA, Pistoia, Maisterravalbuena, Madrid, mor charpentier, Paris/Bogotà, Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam, Tiziana Di Caro, Naples, Stigter van Doesburg, Amsterdam, Josh Lilley, London, Weingrüll, Karlsruhe, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona/Madrid, Stereo, Warsaw, Ermes, nomad gallery, Anat Ebgi, Los Angeles
GRANPALAZZO — Saturday May 30th and Sunday May 31st
The exceptional ffteenth-century venue of Palazzo Rospigliosi in Zagarolo, in the Roman countryside, will be the setting of GRANPALAZZO, an exhibition event, and an intense contemporary art weekend taking place on May 30th and 31st.
Conceived by Paola Capata, Delfo Durante, Ilaria Gianni, and Federica Schiavo, for its frst edition, GRANPALAZZO, presents the works of 18 artists supported by 18 of the most dynamic and interesting galleries coming from the Italian and International art scene, a performance programme curated by Ilaria Gianni, and a series of special projects.
As a frst attempt of an event developed outside the usual contemporary art appointments, GRANPALAZZO will take place in an intimate and relaxing dimension, which aims to encourage an authentic dialogue between artists, the audience and art professionals. The goal of the organizing team is to emphasize the quality of the artistic discourse in the contemporary sphere by focusing on a small amount of artists and their related galleries, whose practices stand out in terms of high-level curatorship, effective scouting, and the creation of an independent market.
Coming from Italy, Algeria, Argentina, Croatia, Cuba, Germany, Great Britain, Moldavia, Poland, Portugal, the U.S., and Switzerland, the artists will show their works – some of which have been specifcally produced and others re-though in their display – in a narrative path articulated throughout the beautiful rooms of Palazzo Rospigliosi, suggesting a dialogue between different poetics, styles, and artistic approaches.
“For the frst edition of GRANPALAZZO, we chose among some of the most interesting, serious, and consistent artists in the contemporary art-scene” says Ilaria Gianni. “The challenge of the project”, she goes on, “is to create a bridge between epochs: a respectful, reciprocal relationship between the art of the past, represented by the aristocratic Palazzo Rospigliosi, with its architecture, its frescoed decorations illustrating the history of the families that have inhabited it – and consequently narrating a portion of Italy’s artistic and political history – and the interpretation of the present through the contemporary. In order to create an innovative,
pertinent dialogue with the complex program of the Palazzo, the artists have been invited to interact with the site, and to explore the artistic repertoire of the country by presenting ambitious and specifcally conceived installations for its the rooms. In this way, forms, points of view, visual interpretations of the present will coexist with a tangible history, developing a dimension which calls into question the viewer and his space-and-time perception”.
Built during the 16th century by the Colonna family – protagonist of the Reinassance and Baroque in Rome – and after purchased by the Rospigliosi Pallavicini family, the building houses wonderful unique works, including frescoes and grotesques in an excellent state of preservation. Beside the exhibition the building will host a series of performances and special projects specifcally developed for the occasion.
The performance programme will involve some the artists included in the exhibition. The Cuban artist Wilfredo Prieto will present The Battle of Shadows, a lyrical reading of a boxing match, experienced through the vision of the deformed shadows of its protagonist. In Braccio di Lettura, Riccardo Baruzzi will reveal the sound-qualities of sculpture, creating a polyrhythmic composition with musical instruments realized by himself. Wearing the shoes of his alter-ego “Jeffrey”, a sixty-years-old hippy, Hugo Canolias in Sinho? Elias meditates on the multitude of the self, performing a monologue between the prophetic and the poetic, between the magical and critical. Drawing from the experience of the Bread and Puppet Theatre, meditating on a rehabilitation of the concept of ‘direct work’, and on the collective neutralization of the responsibility of the single, Tomaso De Luca presents Declaration of Independence from the Tyranny of Consciousness, a parade of large painted fgures connecting GRANPALAZZO’s venue with Zagarolo’s Farmers Market.Tomaso De Luca’s project is realized with support of OnFair.
The contemporary-art-agency and publishing house NERO, in collaboration with Max Renkel – artist- and Giuseppe Garrera – art-collector and art-history professor – presents Roma 2000-2015, an exhibition project celebrating the city through the invites of the most representative exhibitions that took place in Rome during the past ffteen years. A so-called ‘exhibition of exhibitions’ following a trace that is, in most cases per se, a piece of art.
The curatorial and editorial platform CURA presents an installation by the artist Paolo Canevari. Investigating the most intimate aspects of a person in relation to an artwork, Canevari will work on the idea of knowledge, its transmission and its communication, focusing on the concept of identity.
Lulu, lively art platform from Mexico City, will present a series of video by the French-Italian artists Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci.
Based in Barcelona, the non-proft art-space The Green Parrot presents On n’a rien pour, a performance by Oriol Villanova about the tricks and shrewdness of the picaresque anti-hero. In a fea markets, as in art- fairies, the buyers seek to get the best price, whereas the sellers, on their regard, the highest proft.The result is: failure.
Waiting for the frst edition of GRANPALAZZO the backstage of the project can be followed on ATPdiary, offcial partner of GRANPALAZZO 2015. From May the web platform will offer anticipations, insights on the works, on the participating artists, on the curated programmes and on the project spaces involved in the event.
Artsy, the leading resource for learning about and collecting art, is the Exclusive Online Partner of GRANPALAZZO.The GRANPALAZZO preview will be online starting on May 29th.Artsy provides free access via its website (Artsy.net) and iPhone app to 250, 000 images of art and architecture by 40, 000 artists, comprising the world’s largest online database of contemporary art. Powered by The Art Genome Project, a classifcation system that maps the connections between artists and artworks, Artsy fosters new generations of art lovers, museum-goers, patrons, and collectors, including those who might not be able to make it to Italy. GRANPALAZZO 2015 is realized in collaboration with the prestigious Institution of Palazzo Rospigliosi in Zagarolo.