Geometra di PierPaolo Campanini

Pierpaolo Campanini geometra 2009charcoal on canvascm 135 x 125 Courtesy Francesca Kaufmann Vi invito a leggere il breve testo di Paola Noè sul sito di Artforum, per quanti si fossero lasciati scappare la recensione sul numero cartaceo di giugno 2009. 05.26.09-07.31.09 Galleria Francesca Kaufmann For those who have followed Pierpaolo Campanini’s work, this exhibition might […]

Pierpaolo Campanini


charcoal on canvas
cm 135 x 125

Courtesy Francesca Kaufmann

Vi invito a leggere il breve testo di Paola Noè sul sito di Artforum, per quanti si fossero lasciati scappare la recensione sul numero cartaceo di giugno 2009.

05.26.09-07.31.09 Galleria Francesca Kaufmann

For those who have followed Pierpaolo Campanini’s work, this exhibition might seem like a nearly impossible undertaking. And yet with the six pieces here in his third solo exhibition at this gallery, the artist shows that he is capable of immersing viewers in even more profound moments. Campanini’s drawings here have been created with different types of charcoal on canvases that are more rigid than those he has used before. The objects depicted––various sculptures made by Campanini––connect the viewer to the artist’s poetic imagination and depict objects from everyday life, such as handkerchiefs and dishcloths. For a moment, we might believe that each of the sculptures portrayed by Campanini––as if in a surreal garden––has its own life, spirit, and breath.

Translated from Italian by Marguerite Shore.
