Virtual visit ➽ ART AND THE CITY ➽ Zürich

 Thomas Geiger, I want to became a millionare, Cooperation with AG KiöR, Zürich Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs, Kameras, 2012 – Courtesy of RaebervonStenglin, Zürich Sandra Kranich, Feuerwerk 8.6.2012, 2012 – Cooperation with AG KiöR, Zürich Supported by Hirt & Co. Fireworks AG Roe Ethridge, Zurich West, 2012 – Courtesy of Mai 36 Galerie, Zürich […]

Pics from the island: The House of Extravagance

*** 29 July 2012 Emily Sundblad (voice) and Ken Okiishi (piano) concert.   Happy-hour time at La Locanda del Barbablù, Stromboli. The beginning has been: The Seasons are hung on vertical panes of thick glass, in a semi-circular arrangement with Winter greeting the viewer. Koether heightens the painting’s interpellative function by the use of the back-turned […]

Summer Stuff #10 Painting from Uncertain Places

Antje Majewski, Tanz RGBCMYK“, 2008 – Installation view Frankfurter Kunstverein 2012 Foto / Photo: Michael Habes; © Frankfurter Kunstverein *** Painting from Uncertain Places Untill September 16, 2012 Under the title Painting from Uncertain Places the show includes the work of Tilo Baumga?rtel (Leipzig), Susanne Ku?hn (Freiburg), Antje Majewski (Berlin), and Hannes Michanek (Frankfurt), four […]

#dOCUMENTA13 – Perchè? Cardiff & Bures Miller / Warboys / Djordjadze

*** Perchè? Mi è piaciuta l’opera Alter Bahnhof of Video Walk di Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller perchè mi ha fatto vivere un’esperienza letteralmente straniante. La voce sensuale di Janet Cardiff, trasmessa attraverso degli auricolari collegato ad un iphone, accompagna lo spettatore attraverso la stazione ferroviaria di Kassel. L’artista suggerisce dove andare, mentre, nel […]

Summer Stuff #9 Resonance and Silence

Brech, Christoph, The Wind that shakes the Barley, 2008 Still 1-Kanal-Video (Projektion oder Monitor) (Farbe, Ton). Courtesy Sammlung Goetz *** Resonance and Silence / Synesthetic aspects of film and video Goetz Collection at Haus der Kunst , Munich Untill 09.09.12   The acoustic perception of moving images in space is one of the great possibilities […]

#dOCUMENTA13: Theaster Gates and the Hugenottenhaus

*** Theaster Gates (1973, Chicago) 12 Ballads for Huguenot House Theaster’s team at the Huguenot House in Kassel Il BLOG ( ) dove seguire tutto ciò che accade nella Huguenot House: concerti, spaghettate, reading, lezioni di yoga, dormite ecc. L’artefice è l’artista americano Theaster Gates, che ha invitato amici musicisti, artisti e designer a […]

Summer Stuff #8 Hans-Peter Feldmann

*** Hans-Peter Feldmann Until 26 August, 2012 Hans-Peter Feldmann rose to prominence in the early 1970s, for his expansive photographic series, which opened the door for vernacular images. Often presented in the form of books, posters, postcards and installations, these collections link Feldmann’s life-long fascination with collecting elements of visual culture. Feldmann grew up in […]

Punto di vista: Documenta 13 per Luca Trevisani

Hannah Ryggen Thea Djordjadze Giuseppe Penone Fantasmas para siempre.. il motto della mostra (?) è tratto da un lavoro (deludente) di Paul Chan Nodo di vetro di Hassan Khan Libro di Mark Dion The Otolith Group Llyn Foulkes Foto di Donna Haraway in The Wordly House, Project by Tue Greenfort Foto di Luca Trevisani *** […]

Pierre Huyghe’s work for dOCUMENTA 13

Il luogo è chiuso, nascosto, misterioso. Dopo una lunga passeggiata lungo Karlsaue Park, ecco la grande e chimerica scenografie di Pierre Huyghe . Elementi e spazio prelevati da ere diverse nel tempo, sovrapposte o semplicemente sommate. Vero e falso, inganno e onestà si fondono per dar vita a una scnea cinematografica interrotta. Animato e inanimato, […]

Summer Stuff #7 Kris Martin

All Saints, 2007,   250 antique bell jars, dimensions variable, Collection Vanmoerkerke, Belgium Photo: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf, Courtesy Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf Bee, 2009, Gold, 1 x 1 x 1.5 cm, Boros Collection, Berlin, Photo: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf, Courtesy Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf Elk antlers, dimension variable, photograph: ACHIM KUKULIES, Düsseldorf, courtesy Sies + Höke, […]