Between darkness and levity | Interview with Charles Hascoet

Segue il testo in italiano — Charles Hascoët following the conclusion of his solo exhibition titled “Portrait” at the Geneva-based gallery Mighela Shama. Hascoët, an artist based in both New York City and Paris, graduated from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2014. His artistic practice offers a deep exploration of personal and collective […]
Highlights from artgenève

P420, BolognaWith works by Irma Blank, Laura Grisi, Paolo Icaro, Ana Lupas, Piero Manai, Francis Offman, Pieter Vermeersch Bologna-based gallery P420 blends a mix of artists from different generations and backgrounds, working across a range of media, including sculpture, painting, print and photography. Works on show examine the relations between languages and time, the immaterial […]
Futures Past at arebyte, Londra

English text below — Dove finisce il passato e dove inizia il futuro? Molti pensatori occidentali vedono il tempo come un continuum, con il futuro davanti a noi e il passato alle nostre spalle, unidirezionale, fuori dal nostro controllo, che si dispiega ineluttabilmente – che siamo pronti o meno. La mostra collettiva Futures Past, in […]
Conversazioni con film makers | Tonino De Bernardi

Parto da Alessandria in treno, una mattina di inizio ottobre e mi dirigo verso Casalborgone, nei pressi di Chivasso, per incontrare Tonino de Bernardi, autore del cinema d’avanguardia in Italia. Il nome di Tonino era emerso durante una conversazione che avevo avuto con Jonas Mekas a Londra questa primavera. E’ stato proprio allora che ho […]
ATP Diary London Agenda — October | November

Michela De Mattei — Estée Lauder series ICI London 28 Sept – 6 Nov 2018 Michela De Mattei’s new series of films emerge as a privileged terrain for exploring humans-animal behaviours and consciousness, providing, in this way, the conditions for diverse disciplines to engage with the themes of interspecies communication and relationships. The four video pieces, […]
Jonas Mekas, Conversations with Film-Makers

On a grey day of middle April I walk towards the DoubleTree Hotel to meet the avant-garde filmmaker and poet Jonas Mekas. The founder of the Anthology Film Archives, the Filmmakers’ Cooperative and ‘Film Culture’ magazine, has just been part of an event in partnership with MUBI, Serpentine Galleries and the Lithuanian Culture Institute, followed […]
Always the Real Thing | White Crypt, London

[nemus_slider id=”73812″] — In the show, the ceremonial use of food is re contextualised with a humorous twist, and mysticism and popular culture are mixed to produce a combination of the sacred and the profane that collapses our sense of time through anachronisms of the form and content of belief. Walking down the stairs of the […]
Paris Internationale — Conversation with Antoine Levi

This third edition of Paris Internationale, which took place from 18th until the 22nd October 2017, left the the luxury and opulence of the private residences of the avenue d’Iena to move to a new site, the top four floors of a disused parking garage on what was once the site of the left-wing newspaper […]
Art Basel 2017 – Parcours | Statements sections

The 47th edition of Art Basel closed on Sunday 18 June, bringing together 286 galleries from 33 countries. The Parcours program, curated by Samuel Leuenberger and the Statements sections stand out with their selection of young and established artists bringing new perspectives on the themes of personal identity and subconscious, as long as to collective […]
Interview with Anne Vieux | Annka Kultys Gallery, London

The New York-based artist Anne Vieux talks to ATP diary about her new body of work presented at London’s Annka Kultys. Blurring boundaries between computing, printing and painting through light and abstraction, Vieux create a third ambiguous territory, where the viewer’s consciousness complete the work. ATP: The title of your first solo exhibition ‘Mesh’ at […]