Artist-run space 2017 | The Workbench | Nicholas Hatfull – Delfino Sisto Legnani

Lo spazio oindipendente The Workbench di Milano, dopo l’opera di Mirko Canesi, presentata alcuni giorni fa, presenta l’opera di Nicholas Hatfull e di Delfino Sisto Legnani Nicholas Hatfull — Nicholas Hatfull is a thinker in the flaneur tradition, an urban rambler with an open, kinky, catholic eye. His paintings of modern life, via all the things […]

Nicholas Hatfull, Help Find Nimbus (Winter Light)2017, Conté, pastel, acrylic and oil on paper and canvas, 210 × 150 × 9 cm
Nicholas Hatfull, Help Find Nimbus (Winter Light)2017, Conté, pastel, acrylic and oil on paper and canvas, 210 × 150 × 9 cm

Lo spazio oindipendente The Workbench di Milano, dopo l’opera di Mirko Canesi, presentata alcuni giorni fa, presenta l’opera di Nicholas Hatfull e di Delfino Sisto Legnani

Nicholas Hatfull —

Nicholas Hatfull is a thinker in the flaneur tradition, an urban rambler with an open, kinky, catholic eye. His paintings of modern life, via all the things that aren’t people, are both dissociative and total. Over here they are brushy and impressionistic, as if a grazed encounter or gauzy memory; over there as direct as advertising, sharp and clear for cultureless commercial sear. He makes room on a single canvas for these forms, textures and attitudes to collide. And between these elements is the residue they leave upon each other, us, and the world.
Hatfull’s new paintings reveal the artist’s most experimental inclinations, a restless reshuffling of elements (furniture foam, food containers from chain restaurants, Magnum ice creams, playground structures, etc.) through which the artist calibrates a personal offbeat, absurdist lyricism. Stains are important—they speak of forms revealing themselves and consuming themselves at the same time. Vessels are important—they hold a charge. In a series of so-called Bain-Marie sculptures exhibited alongside the paintings, tumbles of nested fast-food hot-pot tubs romantically swirled with paint represent creation, emergence, as well as absolute gluttony and waste. It’s a turbulent business, life.

Nicholas Hatfull, Classic Upholstery (reality makes swift) 2017, Conté, pastel, acrylic and oil on canvas 210 x150 cm
Nicholas Hatfull, Classic Upholstery (reality makes swift) 2017, Conté, pastel, acrylic and oil on canvas 210 x150 cm
Nicholas Hatfull, Ohio, Mr.John (vague & ordinary worlds) 2017 Conté, pastel, acrylic, modelling paste and oil on canvas180 x300 cm
Nicholas Hatfull, Ohio, Mr.John (vague & ordinary worlds) 2017 Conté, pastel, acrylic, modelling paste and oil on canvas180 x300 cm
Delfino Sisto Legnani presenta una nuova serie di opere “Retro-frons” —
Scrive l’artista: “Retro-frons è una serie strettamente legata alla mia professione di fotografo d’architettura e d’arte che per lavoro rappresenta architetture, opere d’arte o installazioni. E’ in questo contesto che il mio interesse spesso viene catalizzato non dai soggetti che devo rappresentare, ma da ‘opere’, ‘architetture’ o ‘installazioni’ informali realizzate inconsapevolmente dagli allestitori o dalle maestranze del cantiere. La serie vuole essere un tributo al “dietro le quinte” dei grandi eventi dell’arte contemporanea.
Delfino Sisto Legnani - Dalla serie Retro-frons
Delfino Sisto Legnani – Dalla serie Retro-frons
Delfino Sisto Legnani - Dalla serie Retro-frons
Delfino Sisto Legnani – Dalla serie Retro-frons
Delfino Sisto Legnani - Dalla serie Retro-frons
Delfino Sisto Legnani – Dalla serie Retro-frons
Delfino Sisto Legnani - Dalla serie Retro-frons
Delfino Sisto Legnani – Dalla serie Retro-frons