Dopo la presentazione di Diego Gualandris , lo spazio indipendente di Milano (via Sant’Agnese 12) CURRENT, presenta l’opera di due artisti stranieri, Bob Bicknell-Knight e Larsen Albedo.
Larsen Albedo —
(BGY, 2016)
I sensi spesso bastano: se vivi in montagna, se balli di notte, se hai almeno un gatto, se te la cavi in cucina, se viaggi in autobus, se bagni le piante di casa, se frequenti le ferramenta.
Nei casi contrari esistono la fisica, l’etologia, la biologia, l’astronomia, la matematica.
Raccolti il percepibile ed il non si passa alle mani, i piedi liberati: le mie quattro sono eclettiche e non particolarmente schizzinose, non disdegnano i pomeriggi passati sulla schiena del mouse né le manovre da bricoleur che si dà un tono. Costruiscono l’alloggio per gli elementi dell’insieme ∩, essi hanno un certo grado di parentela fra loro o si sono avvicinati dopo un incontro al buio da me combinato.
Bob Bicknell-Knight —
Bob is a London based artist and curator working in installation, sculpture, moving image, net art and other digital mediums. Online and offline surveillance accompanied by the consumer capitalist culture within today’s society are the main issues surrounding his work, in association with current and future utopian environments, the continued automation of our daily lives in relation to the internet of things and the various cultures associated with online communities. He explores these ideas by using tools and technologies which are relatable but not restricted to art, usually having been made readily available via the expansion of the internet, working with a variety of materials to fabricate ideas, from found objects to video animations, digital prints and 3D printed sculptures.
Bob Bicknell-Knight is the founder and current director of isthisit?, a weekly platform for contemporary art hosting online and offline projects. Selected solo exhibitions include: ‘Sunrise Prelude’, Dollspace, London; ‘Are we there yet?’, 16 John Islip St, London; ‘Feign Cubed 1.5’, Feign Cubed, Online. Selected group exhibitions include ‘Black Lotus’, TAU Gaming, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom; ‘EnterCity’, Cavallerizza Reale Art Space, Turin, Italy; ‘Glitch Art is Dead’, Gamut Gallery, Minneapolis; ‘I miss you, Blockbuster’, A217 Gallery, London; ‘The Sacred Screen’ – The Square Gallery, London; ‘A Group Thing’, Thomas Young Gallery, Boston.