Giunta alla sua seconda edizione, la sezione Disegni di Artissima, merita le dovute attenzioni e, aggiungiamo noi, alcune segnalazioni sulla ricerca di alcuni artisti. Come l’anno scorso, a dare prova di un buon alvoro di ricerca i due curatori Luís Silva e João Mourão, direttori della Kunsthalle Lissabon (Lisbona). La specificità di questa sezione è da ricercare nella selezione degli artisti e nella varietà delle loro proposte: nei vari stands il concetto di disegno è stato allargato a sbvariate tecniche che vanno dalla lavorazione di metalli, all’incisione, all’acquerello, a disegni a matita, pastelli colari e penne a sfera. L’aspetto installativo è stato il ‘gioco forza’ dell’intera sezione: dai classici disegni incorniciti a una variegata gamma di soluzione espositive. Tra tutte premiamo quello di Joana Escoval per le delicate forme geometriche in ottone e oro che, quasi invisibili, hanno tracciato le pareti dello stand di Galeria Vera Cortês e Acapella.
Uno degli aspetti che rendono originale questa sezione è, come si è sottolineato poche righe sopra, la varietà della proposta: aspetto che ha reso Disegni, un bacino per la scoperta di talenti magari poco conosciuti in Italia. Esempio ne siano l’artista portoghese Bruno Pacheco (presentato da Hollybush Gardens), uno tra gli stand meglio riusciti della sezione, assieme a quello di Koak (Walden Gallery), la giovanissima Claire Milbrath (Steve Turner) e quello già citato di Joana Escoval.
Lisa Andreani ha fatto alcune domande ai curatori della sezione Luís Silva e João Moura.
This is the second edition for you so I want to know how did you do the selection? What is changed respect the past one?
So, last year it was the last year and we want to think about drawing in a expanded way. We want to think to drawing as a technique, a medium of course, but then also we want to think it more as metaphor, as a starting point which could materialized ideas and show that art depends on understanding drawing. We want to show a spectrum of drawing and of course one edition wasn’t enough. We had 20 booths, 20 projects and we wanted to continue this research the expiration of drawing as a very very contemporary medium, regardless of being very manual and regardless also living in a technological society, drawing is being relevant. We want to express that this year. Basically was just the continuation of the work we did last year. Returning to the criteria of the selection, we want to show projects and artists who weren’t present last year, established artists, people who have been working with drawings for many many years, but also younger generations artists who are still working with drawing. So we have galleries with we worked last year and we want to come again and also we want to expand artists researches and galleries. we want also to play with people expectations of drawing.
I think the most interesting thing is the idea of drawing as a space of project also in an architectural way, I want to ask if there are some connections between these two fields.
When we think about drawing we thought in a expanded way, so drawing could be a documentary, a sort of personal and impersonal memory, it is a kind of different approaches. We wrote in this small text: drawing can be anything the artist want to do and we want to show that and understand drawing as a sculpture, if you see the metal lines on the wall they are sculptures but they are also drawings, drawings as performance, the traces of a gestures, of course you don’t see the gesture but is very performative and will be destroy when the wall comes down. Drawing as something ephemeral. We want to play with what drawing permits to do.
I think this was for us not a conclusion but a research, we don’t know the answer. It Is a process of thinking.
La sezione quest’anno è stata composta da: 3+1, Acappella, Anne-Sarah Bénichou, Sébastien Betrand, Vera Cortês, Massimo De Carlo, Garcia Galerie, Gentili, Hollybush Gardens, In Arco, IRAGUI, Peter Kilchmann, nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Plan B, Produzentengalerie Hamburg, Szydlowski, Steve Turner, Philipp von Rosen, Walden e Zero…