63rd-77th STEPS è un artist run space ideato dall’artista Fabio Santacroce a partire da un segmento di scala condominiale (tra il 63° e 77° gradino), all’interno di un palazzo popolare a Bari. Dopo le prime mostre site specific, il programma espositivo si è articolato in mostre off-site e online, intese come estensione fisica e metaforica di questo luogo residuale. 63rd-77th STEPS indaga e sprona i limiti e le potenzialità della periferia, ridefinendo le sue coordinate spazio-temporali.
63rd – 77th STEPS is a project space for contemporary art founded and run by the artist Fabio Santacroce. It is incorporated on the last segment of a communal staircase (between the 63 ° and the 77 ° step), inside a building from the beginning of the XX century in Bari. Site-specific exhibitions are alternated with off-site and online projects meant as physical and metaphorical extensions of this residual place. 63rd-77th STEPS strains and investigates the limits and potentialities of the periphery, redefining its spatial and temporal framework within a hyper-connected, hegemonic geography.

Cédric Fargues has long remained a mysterious figure. From Figeac, town located in the damaged hills of Lot, his name got attached to aggressive collages of Britney Spears’ face (Preteen Gallery, Mexico City, 2010), coquette compositions of pink ribbons (Courtney Blades, Chicago) or wallpaper dedicated to Henry, the vacuum cleaner star of the English housewife in the 1980s (Weekends, Copenhagen). As a seasoned and a little skewed housewife, he bobbles between searching for the perfect cedar candle, Teri Hatcher’s Amazon page and new age specialized forums, transforming his domestic activities into metaphysical experiences.
Busy between the classifying flower petals according to their caloric intake, the sweating of a chicken in a jacuzzi of vegetable broth (Artsoup) and the frosting of stigmata shaped cookies (Stigmateye Cookies), he lays the foundation for a return to tradition somewhere between the Catechism of Taylor Swift and the description of cycles by the practitioner of esotericism Jean Phaure. Gardener, beekeeper, ufologist, mystical confectioner or simple diner, Cédric Fargues is the unexpected encounter between Doctor Faustroll and Bree Van de Kamp, a great inventor of everyday life.
Pierre-Alexandre Mateos and Charles Teyssou