Interview with FOS — Koøje

[nemus_slider id=”43747″] Danish artist FOS’ work brings together elements of sculpture, architecture, design and installation, often including performative aspects. Departing from the key assumption that aesthetics and sociality are inextricably intertwined, his aesthetic is informed by a philosophy he refers to as Social Design, a notion that reflects his vision of creating multifunctional social spaces […]

Gavin Kenyon — Lift your head, give me the best side of your face

 [nemus_slider id=”43575″] Di Gavin Kenyon, in Italia si era già parlato parecchio. A Milano, lo scorso autunno, una prima mostra personale alla Galleria Zero ha portato le sue installazioni materiche e ambigue nella sede di Viale Premuda – per poi essere sigillata con l’installazione pubblica di ‘Four Sentinels’ nei vicini giardini di Corso Indipendenza. Una […]