#miart2015 — Preview THENnow

[nemus_slider id=”41746″] Per leggere l’intervista con Giovanni Carmine, uno dei curatori ? KIKI KOGELNIK (Simone Subal, New York) e TALIA CHETRIT (kaufmann repetto, Milano) Simone Subal, New York We are very excited about the possibility to showcase Kiki Kogelnik’s work in the ThenNow section. Kogelnik is an important art-historical figure and we are thrilled to […]

#miart2015 — Preview Emergent. Part two

 [nemus_slider id=”41542″] Jeanine Hofland, Amsterdam Jeanine Hofland: “During MiArt we will be present within the Emergent section of the fair, presenting a solo exhibition by London based artist Hannah Perry. Hannah Perry (born 1984) is a British artist working mainly in installation, print and video. She graduated from Goldsmiths College in 2009 and from The Royal […]

#miart2015 — Preview Emergent. Part one

[nemus_slider id=”41508″] High Art, Paris Jason Hwang: “This is High Art’s first time participating in MiArt and we are very excited to present the work of New York based artist Bradley Kronz. It will be Bradley’s first solo presentation in Italy and because so, hopefully, a surprise for the italian audience. There are a great […]

David Horvitz

(English version in Italic) Domani 4 aprile alle 18.00 inaugurerà presso la Galleria CO2 di Torino la mostra collettiva “To Meggy Weiss Lo Surdo, Happy Hour”, curata da Marianna Vecellio, con lavori di Massimo Grimaldi, David Horvitz, Renato Leotta, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Magali Reus e Santo Tolone. Dopo l’opening, il secondo appuntamento con CARSICO. Il progetto […]

Triangle Artists’ Workshop ▲ NYC

Triangle Artists’ Workshop Liberamente tradotto dal sito Triangle Arts Association è un’associazione no profit di NYC tradizionalmente tra Brooklyn e Dumbo, concepita come sostegno alla creazione di artisti mid- career ed emergenti statunitensi e stranieri, incoraggia il dialogo e la sperimentazione grazie ad un programma di residenze, workshop e opportunità espositive.  Il workshop di […]