The Best 2016 | Stefano Raimondi

Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905–2016 Whitney Museum, New York Curated by da Chrissie Illes Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905–2016 focuses on the ways in which artists have dismantled and reassembled the conventions of cinema—screen, projection, darkness—to create new experiences of the moving image. The exhibition will fill the Museum’s 18, 000-square-foot fifth-floor Neil Bluhm Family […]

William N. Copley | Fondazione Prada, Milano

[nemus_slider id=”60236″] Dopo le mostre dedicate a Edward e Nancy Kienholz – con la potente Five Car Stud– e la personale di Betye Saar, la Fondazione Prada continua l’indagine sull’arte americana del secondo novecento con l’antologica dedicata a William N. Copley, realizzata in collaborazione con la Menil Collection di Huston. La personale, già presentata a […]