In conversazione con Claudia Albertini | Massimo De Carlo, Hong Kong
Intervista di Costanza Savelloni — Costanza Savelloni: Nel marzo 2016, un anno prima del trentesimo anniversario della galleria, avete aperto la terza sede di Massimo De Carlo a Hong Kong. La vostra presenza sul territorio asiatico è ormai consolidata, qual è il bilancio di questi ultimi quattro anni di esperienza? Claudia Albertini: La galleria ha […]
Kuedza Mudzimu nesengere, Tendai Mupita | T293, Rome
Interview by Costanza Savelloni — Kuedza Mudzimu nesengereis the title of Tendai Mupita’s (1990, Harare) first solo exhibition in Italy and Europe, during which his most recent series of large drawings and video installation are presented to the public. The title of the show – hosted by T293 gallery in Rome – recalls an ancient […]
The Sceptical Structures of Max | James Beckett | T293, Rome
We interviewed James Beckett, multifaceted and multi-referential artist who takes us on a journey through the life of Max Himmelheber, engineer-entrepreneur and pioneer in the development of chipboard.