#miart2018 | Generations
Generations è una sezione di miart che raggruppa otto stand, ciascuno con l’accostamento di due artisti di stessa o diversa generazione, per esaltarne le sintonie, i rimandi, le influenze a volte anche inconsce. Non si tratta di un confronto, nemmeno di un dialogo, ma della presa di coscienza di sinergie materiche e formali, di analogie tra contenuti […]
The cook and the smoke detector — Interview with Vanessa Safavi
[nemus_slider id=”67449″] — The ChertLüdde gallery in Berlin houses a Vanessa Safavi new project. The cook and the smoke detector explores nowadays life in contemporary, frenetic and complicated cities. The artworks displayed observe how people, and their bodies, face reality, technology and urban spaces in everyday life. ATPdiary asked the artist some questions — Francesca […]
Art Basel 2017 – Parcours | Statements sections
The 47th edition of Art Basel closed on Sunday 18 June, bringing together 286 galleries from 33 countries. The Parcours program, curated by Samuel Leuenberger and the Statements sections stand out with their selection of young and established artists bringing new perspectives on the themes of personal identity and subconscious, as long as to collective […]
Gallery Weekend Berlin 2017
[nemus_slider id=”65774″] — It’s late April and I’ve been sitting in Weinerei Forum, a bar/cafè in the Berlin’s Mitte borough for more than an hour. On my table there’s a notebook, which I am meticulously filling with all the exhibitions and events I want to attend during the weekend as well as with everything happening […]
#Miart2017 | Generations — Interview with Nicola Lees
[nemus_slider id=”64710″] — Located at the center of miart, Generations is a curated section that presents 8 dialogues between artists from different generations. Conceived to create unexpected forms of interactions between historical positions and more recent artists, this section brings together two different galleries, invited to share the same booth. Generations is curated by Douglas Fogle (Independent Curator and writer, Los Angeles) and Nicola Lees, (Director […]
#Miart2017 — Alessandro Rabottini ci racconta la sua fiera
Mancano pochi giorno all’apertura della 22° edizione della fiera internazionale d’arte moderna e contemporanea di Milano, miart. Come sottolinea il direttore Alessandro Rabottini, è una fiera che si caratterizza per il fitto dialogo che si instaura tra arte moderna, arte contemporanea e design in edizione limitata. In questa edizione – che si svolge dal 31 […]
ChertLüdde, Berlin – Interview with the gallerists
[nemus_slider id=”64502″] — English text below ChertLüdde ha inaugurato la sua prima stagione con la collettiva An ear, severed, listens, con lavori di Patrizio di Massimo, Horst Antes, Kasia Fudakowski, Emma Hart, Rodrigo Hernández, Hannah James, Zora Mann, Vanessa Safavi, Petrit Halilaj e Alvaro Urbano, con opere di artisti rappresentati da tempo insieme ad altri con cui […]