Artist’s Diary — Zora Mann

On April 25 inaugurated Coagula, first solo show of Zora Mann (Amersham, Uk, 1979) with Chert gallery. Born from African parents, she grew up traveling in Europe, Africa and America. After relocating in Germany, at age 13, she started a modeling career which continued successfully for many years, when she decided to quit with the […]

The winner: Mathew Gallery! #miart2015

La galleria Mathew – con sedi a Berlino e New York – si aggiudica il premio “Emergent”, il riconoscimento riservato alla galleria ritenuta più meritevole per l’attività di promozione di giovani artisti, attribuito oggi all’interno di miart 2015 e supportato anche quest’anno dallo Studio Legale LCA. La Giuria internazionale, composta da Susanne Pfeffer, Direttrice della […]

Marten Spangberg. The Internet, at Supportico Lopez, Berlin

Interview with Marten Spangberg Francesca Verga: The Internet is the first rendition of a new work, conceived for Supportico Lopez and realized on January 9 – 11 with Hanna Strandberg, Rebecka Stillman and Sandra Lolax. How long have you been working at? What was your main concern driving you towards this direction? Marten Spangberg: It is […]

Joseph Beuys at the Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Januar 1971

Lothar Wolleh / Joseph Beuys at the Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Januar 1971 4 September – 25 November 2012 In January 1971 the photographer Lothar Wolleh accompanied Joseph Beuys to his first exhibition abroad in the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Without commission and at his own expense he travelled to Sweden. One year later, Beuys and Wolleh reproduced 51 of the pictures […]