Art Basel 2017 – Parcours | Statements sections

The 47th edition of Art Basel closed on Sunday 18 June, bringing together 286 galleries from 33 countries. The Parcours program, curated by Samuel Leuenberger and the Statements sections stand out with their selection of young and established artists bringing new perspectives on the themes of personal identity and subconscious, as long as to collective […]
Art Basel, due settimane dopo…
A distanza di due settimane dalla chiusura di Art Basel riordinare i pensieri è difficile almeno quanto sarebbe stato farlo subito. Il mare è un’immensa distesa d’acqua sempre in movimento, le onde svolgono un’importante azione di erosione sulla costa. Questa frase l’ho imparata a memoria quando in terza elementare cercavo di studiare per la prima […]
ArtBasel 2015 / Parcours
[nemus_slider id=”44620″] The 2015 edition of Parcours, curated for the third consecutive year by Florence Derieux, Director of FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, is sited in the historical center of Basel around the city’s iconic cathedral, infiltrating key locations such as the Museum of Culture, the Natural History Museum, the Town Hall and the Münsterplatz itself. It features […]