Report from Beijing part. #02 by Andrea Nacciarriti

 Andrea Nacciarriti – Made in China [original version]  “Chi non lavora non fa l’amore” 01 (video still) 2012     Andrea Nacciarriti – Made in China [original version] “the poetic mode” 01 (video still) 2012  Andrea Nacciarriti – Forbidden #0001 [4th June] (video still)    A.Rolandi & M.Shimizu Something on the way (video still)   […]

Report from Beijing part. #01 by Andrea Nacciarriti

The famous Ai  Andrea Nacciarriti – Chinese rain 2012     Ma Qiusha – Static elecricity  Mi lou – Recent Works by Hong Lei   Naked Talk – Alessandro Rolandi Ma Yongfeng  Social Sensibility Research & Development project by Alessandro Rolandi   Social Sensibility Research & Development project by Alesssandro Rolandi  Wang Qingsong – HappyNewYear, […]