Summer Stuff #14 The Tanks ☛ Art in Action

Suzanne Lacy, The Crystal Quilt, 1987 – © Work by Suzanne Lacy, with collaboration from Phyllis Jane Rose, Miriam Schapiro, Susan Stone, Nancy Dennis, and Sage Cowles. Minneapolis, Minnesota Jeff Keen, Flik Flak, 1964 © Jeff Keen *** La  Tate Modern apre al pubblico i suoi nuovi spazi sotterranei per ospitare ‘ The Tanks: Art in […]

Da Cremona a Venezia ➽ Verdi Acque

*** Alcune domande a Ettore Favini, co-curatore con Elisabetta Bianchessi, del progetto  VERDI ACQUE: DAL PO ALLA LAGUNA DI VENEZIA. Protagonisti del progetto  saranno – per i tre giorni di inaugurazione della Biennale (26-28 agosto) – fra gli altri, l’antropologo ed etnologo francese Marc Augè, conosciuto a livello internazionale per le sue indagini sulla società […]

Summer Stuff #15 The London Open – Whitechapel Gallery

*** The London Open at the Whitechapel Gallery, London     The Whitechapel Gallery announces the artists included in The London Open, the Gallery’s triennial exhibition, which is open to all artists aged 26 or over living and working in London. The exhibition will provide a snapshot of art in London now, showcasing some of the most […]

Summer Stuff #14 Jimmy Robert

Jimmy Robert, Untitled, 2006. © Jimmy Robert, courtesy Galerie Diana Stigter, Amsterdam *** Jimmy Robert Vis-à-vis August 25 – November 25, 2012 The Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) Chicago presents Jimmy Robert Vis-à-vis, the first major solo museum exhibition of French artist Jimmy Robert in the United States. One of the most dynamic young artists […]

#dOCUMENTA13: Apichatpong Weerasethakul ⊕ The importance of Telepathy

      Apichatpong Weerasethakul – The importance of Telepathy (2012) #dOCUMENTA13 Potevi assistere a questo ‘film’ immaginario stando steso tranquillamente su un amaca. *** Nato nel 1970, Apichatpong Weerasethakul si è laureato in architettura all’Università di Khon Kaen e ha conseguito un master in cinema allo School of the Art Institute di Chicago, fino […]

Summer Stuff #13 Minimal Myth / Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

*** Minimal Myth This summer the museum will be exhibiting a selection of trends from the sixties and seventies (such as Minimalism and the Dutch Nul movement), plus work by contemporary artists. ‘Minimal Myth’ is an exhibition that attempts to show the possible similarities in working methods adopted by these artists. The works are exhibited […]

High Line Art / NY / Elad Lassry

*** Invited by High Line Art (New York) to present on HIGH LINE BILLBOARD, Elad Lassry has created an alluring new image of two young women, both dressed alike, gazing out of two small portholes into a sea of green. Detached from any visual history or context, the image is both mesmerizing and elusive, familiar […]

#dOCUMENTA13: Javier Téllez

© Still: Javier Téllez *** Artaud’s Cave,   2012 Javier Téllez Normalità e anormalità, ragionevolezza o pazzia. L’opera presentata da Javier Téllez a dOCUMENTA 13   mette in scena una complessa storia onirica grazie alla collaborazione con un gruppo  di ‘invisibili’:  dei pazienti dell’Ospedale Psichiatrico Fray Bernardino a Città del Messico.  Tra calendari Atzechi, antiche […]

Summer Stuff #11 A Poem about a chance meeting / Belluno

Nicola Genovese Tiziano Martini *** A Poem about a chance meeting  un progetto di Nicola Genovese e Tiziano Martini (APL 10). Artisti: Nicola Genovese, Paolo Gonzato, Andrea Magaraggia, Dacia Manto, Tiziano Martini. fino al 9 settembre 2012 Sede: DC NEXT – BLOCCO di Taibon – Fabbrica Ex Visibilia, Taibon Agordino, Belluno. Dolomiti Contemporanee