Fruit Exhibition | Interviews with the publishers #2

On the occasion of the independent art publishing market to be held in Bologna from 2 to 4 February 2018, named Fruit Exhibition, ATPdiary has interviewed some of the participating publishers. On that occasion you will find artist’s books, catalogs, graphic design projects, magazines and zines. Everything will take place in the spaces of the historic Palazzo Re Enzo, […]
Worldly practices | Interview with Maria Thereza Alves and Jimmie Durham

Lo scorso 20 gennaio, per prima volta nella loro carriera professionale, gli artisti Maria Thereza Alves e Jimmie Durham hanno presentato le Wordly Practices al Castello di Rivoli attraverso la proiezione di alcuni lavori e una conversazione a tre con Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev. La coppia di artisti, legati sia dal lavoro che bella vita privata, portano avanti […]