Salto nel vuoto. Arte al di là della materia | GAMeC di Bergamo
Testo di Giulia Russo — Con quest’ultimo capitolo, ospitato fino al 28 maggio alla GAMeC di Bergamo, Lorenzo Giusti e Domenico Quaranta hanno provato ad andare al di là del concetto tangibile di materia, individuando sentieri alternativi, attraverso la ricerca di 80 artisti attivi tra il XX e il XXI secolo.La mostra si divide in […]
The Best 2016 | Stefano Raimondi
Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905–2016 Whitney Museum, New York Curated by da Chrissie Illes Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905–2016 focuses on the ways in which artists have dismantled and reassembled the conventions of cinema—screen, projection, darkness—to create new experiences of the moving image. The exhibition will fill the Museum’s 18, 000-square-foot fifth-floor Neil Bluhm Family […]
Report from Frieze NY
Report by Taylor Le Melle, curator and writer based in New York and London. To talk about Frieze Art Fair, in its fourth year in New York, as overwhelming, chaotic, and brutally elitist is no longer interesting. We know. The big white tent is not a democratic place; one has to have the disposable income […]